
Areca RAID on CentOS


Host: CentOS 5.6 & 6.0 x86_64
RAID controller: ARC-1880IX-24

Setup hardware RAID volume(s) using RAID BIOS. (Tab/F6 at booting)

If CentOS was installed without Areca driver, follow these steps:
yum install gcc-c++ kernel-devel make
Download source tar ball from http://www.areca.com.tw/support/s_linux/linux.htm
Unzip and cd into it
chmod u+x arcmsr.ko
insmod arcmsr.ko
Use fdisk -l to verify the RAID volume(s) are visible.
Use fdisk/gparted(provided by EPEL repo) to create partition table and manage logic volumes.

1 comment:

Marvin said...

Hi, thanks for the tip. I'm running CentOS 6.0 and a 1880 raid controller, insmod will make the controller visible, but after reboot, it's gone. I have to do it manually everytime. Is there any way to make it load automatically at startup? thanks!