
openSUSE 11.1 with KDE on ThinkPad

NOTE: Please refer to my another post about GNOME.
  • Default install brings you nearly ready-to-use OS.
  • Centralized YaST control center makes SUSE the most friendly distro I've used.

  1. Boot from DVD.
  2. Choose your screen size using F3. (NOTE: this is the screen size of installation process, tty and boot splash. Your runlevel 5 screen size can be changed in your DE.
  3. Proceed to summary page:
    • Add language support if you need to.
    • Search and remove beagle-related packages. (NOTE: I don't like beagle, so do it if you're alike. And if you're not removing it here, it will call a handful of dependency when you do it later.)
  4. Finish install and log in your account.

  • Display is 16-bit even if shown 32-bit in configuration dialog.
  • Amarok doesn't play mp3.

  1. It seems KNetworkManager does not provide a way to connect xDSL.
  2. In YaST: Turn NM off, setup a DSL, and use '/sbin/ifup dsl0' to get online.

  1. Disable update applet if you don't like it.
  2. The default repositories (OSS, Non-OSS, update) are already set. So Update directly.
  3. What takes my attention from update:
    • fluendo mp3 support (NOTE: this mp3 codec seems producing a lot of static noise.)
    • Microsoft fonts
    • Flash player

  1. Reference: en.opensuse.org
  2. Default NTFS does not allow normal user to write.
  3. Modify NTFS entries in /etc/fstab so they look like this:
    /dev/sda1 /windows/C ntfs-3g user,users,gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
  4. If you don't want to reboot, remount all NTFS partitions.

  1. Now YaST has a priority system for software repositories.
  2. SUSE Collection: opensuse.org
  3. Packman: gwdg.de
  4. nVidia: nvidia.com (NOTE: web access forbidden)
  5. libdvdcss: linuxin.dk (NOTE: web access forbidden)

  1. Reference: opensuse-community.org
  2. Ensure packman and libdvdcss repo are enabled.
  3. Install:
    • ffmpeg
    • k3b-codecs
    • libdvdcss
    • libxine1-codecs
    • w32codec-all
    • amarok-xine

  1. Till this writing, libqt4 in openSUSE has bugs.
  2. Download SDK from qtsoftware.com.
  3. Install libqt4-devel first to ensure all dependencies are ready, then remove libqt4-devel.
  4. Install downloaded qt-sdk.

  1. Reference (firewall): amule.org
  2. Reference (ed2k links handling): amule.org
  3. Install from packman.
  4. Open ports (TCP: 4662, UDP: 4672 4665) in YaST.
  5. Configure firefox with ed2k link handler.
    1. open about:config
    2. New Boolean network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k, true
    3. New String network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k, /usr/bin/ed2k
    4. New Boolean network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k, false

Optional software
  • unrar
  • p7zip
  • blender (3D modeling)
  • wireshark (packet analyzer)
  • kchmviewer (KDE3 application; Okular is too slow to open chm files)
  • picasa (Better than digiKam)
  • virtualbox
  • Games:

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